Your #1 Local AC Repair & Heating Contractor in Las Vegas & Surrounding Areas
Open 7-7, 7 Days a Week


The safety and comfort of our customers, employees, and their families are of the utmost importance. In these challenging times, we understand the need for heightened precautions, which is why we have taken several measures to ensure a smooth and safe service experience.

Our team at Tanana Air Conditioning & Heating is composed and ready to handle any heating and cooling issues that may arise. With the increased number of people staying at home, we anticipate an increase in demand for our services. However, rest assured, we have everything under control.

To minimize close contact, we have enabled our administrative staff to work remotely, while remaining employees have been spaced out in our main office.

In-person coaching and training sessions have been temporarily suspended and replaced with virtual tools such as Zoom Video, and electronic devices for internal communication.

Our customer service representatives will be asking about any symptoms of fever, cough, or shortness of breath in the home or business to ensure the safety of all involved.

Technicians have been equipped with latex gloves and instructed to maintain a 6-foot distance from clients and avoid handshakes. They will also be wiping down their vehicles, equipment, and work area with disinfectant wipes.

Technicians who display flu-like symptoms have been instructed to stay home for a minimum of one week.

We also understand the importance of safeguarding those who may be at a higher risk and kindly ask our clients to inform us of any such individuals within their households.

We are closely monitoring the latest updates and guidance from the CDC and will adjust our operations accordingly.

At Tanana Air Conditioning & Heating, we are grateful for the continued confidence our clients have in us and the tireless efforts of our field and support personnel. We are committed to providing a safe and seamless service experience to all.

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